10 Most Terrifying Killer Fish

Since the movie Jaws shark in the eyes of the public were entrenched - rich with distorted images of swimmers in our thoughts. But sharks hand, there are also several species of fish killer terrible, land and freshwater estuaries obitaniya.Schetami who traveled to attend the phobia of sharks exist with a healthy dose of general terror - because he sees more of sharks lurking deep desire. in the oceans and lakes that we inject blind

10.Goliath Tiger fish
Goliath Tiger-fish is being so bad that it does look dangerous Piranha as a goldfish. Achieving more than six feet in length and weighing up to 70 pounds, this mega-fish stems waterways central Africa in packages - shredding even large prey in seconds. The mouth of the Yellow-Eyed Monster fish littered with giant, dagger like fangs - each more than two inches in length.

The number of deaths went unexplained in the Congo River, and were associated with a mysterious enemy with the dark forces of the spirit - that is, to the extreme angler Jeremy Wade pulled one of those horrible creatures from the depths of the river.

09.Piraiba Catfish
These are children, I hope to have fun together on fisheries Amazon first holiday, when you feel a tug on your liniyu.Buksir is more difficult, and you begin excited for a 2-foot-cichlids. But as the line approaches the limit 9 feet long, divided into blue-black form poverhnost. Sochetanie fear and pride horrified her legs of a man who came out of the mouth of the creature, which then roars stronger than some types of water jaguar view. Caught the biggest catfish just Piraiba South America, and the potential eaters. Small teeth that curve aggressive hunters again by cavernous mouth, prevents the production of including people from fleeing the handle.

08. Goonch Fish
Kali river - which runs between India and Nepal - had to chase the mysterious disappearances and unexplained deaths utopleniya.Prichinoy was subject wildest speculation as horrible brown creature looking over 7 meters in length, with razor sharp teeth, was taken plen.Goonch strange 300 members of the pound catfish family, and got a strong taste for human flesh.

The victim was grabbed and dragged to his death from a prehistoric predator before being consumed. One 17-year-old boy was taken in front of his girlfriend's body was found. It is believed that the fish acquired a taste for human flesh, the funeral practice of burning corpses and throwing them into the river.

07.Great Barracuda
Great Barracuda is a live torpedo, studded evil form 3-inch teeth. These fish can grow up to 6 feet in length and weigh more than 100 pounds. Great Barracuda attract shiny metal objects, and will be vulnerable to attack or being sources of agitation.

To avoid attack Barracuda, you should stay away from areas of low visibility, as well as mangrove and estuarine areas, you should also refrain from ohoty.Napadenie barracuda can rupture tendon tear much meat and kill you in a second. Deaths have been confirmed in the eastern United States.

06.Wels Catfish
European waters may seem relatively harmless - but looking demonic killer fish, unearthly proportions may make you reconsider its planned float in Berlin lakes, Spain, Russia or Volge.Som Wels huge, slithering creature covers more than 13 feet in length and weighing more 400 funtov.Ryba aggressive predators, and grab the victims with their rows of massive razor-sharp teeth.

The potential size of these creatures is not confirmed, and historical accounts suggest up to 20 feet and weighing more than 3 tons. Recently, German swimmer was badly bitten, and catfish are found in Russia was only the human body in its stomach contents.

05.Giant Freshwater Stingray
Toxic monster lurking in the dark waters of the South-East Asia. The famous Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin died after being stabbed in the chest with a small stingray ocean - but it is not being able to hold the spine in the giant freshwater stingrays. This saucer-shaped monster may be the largest freshwater fish of the world, at more than 16 feet in length and weighing up to 2,000 funtov.8 inch sting can be beaten back, like a scorpion's target unsuspecting waders, while the array being also has the potential to muscle man under water. Thus, if the "channel" you're standing on starts to move, keep moving.

Muskellunge have not led to any confirmed deaths, but there is, of course, the ominous signs that they would be able to takoe.Ryba have long feared, and grows to a length of more than 7 feet. This is a fresh version of the Barracuda pursues lakes in the northern hemisphere, and has a mouth full of daggers, which can easily crush waterfowl, muskrats and perch. Muskellunge bites leave serious injuries, and 80 pounds of fish would be able to pull down the victim. One 13-year-old girl was bitten and dragged underwater to escape, and turned fisherman was hard to chew while marking time meste.Ryba hiding in the weed edges of lakes, lunge forward to grab their prey.

The electric eel is the top predator of the Amazon, who hunts and defends itself by producing enough electricity to stun loshad.600 volts released this giant catfish relative can kill a person directly through electric shock. In other cases, a smaller shock can still knock the victim unconscious as a result of drowning. Electric eels can grow to more than 8 feet and weigh up to 50 pounds. Electric eels can be handled safely with rubber gloves. River crossing is very dangerous, because water conducts electricity very efficiently, making it comparable to a dip in the bath with hair dryer plug. Deaths have been confirmed.

 02.Alligator Gar 
Prehistoric monster haunts the waters of the southeastern United States. Achieving over 10 feet, with a weight of over 400 pounds, the Alligator Gar is an ancient fish, which is more like a crocodile with its large size and huge ivory studded mouth. In one case, a man was with his legs hanging over the dock when a huge alligator Gar trailer and tried to pull him under. He escaped with his life - but others may not be so lucky. Alligator Gary victims have not been confirmed, but the fish may be responsible for several mysterious drowning.

01.Bull Shark
This last fish, technically, still sharks. However, this is far from a typical shark, it poses the threat of the worst nightmares, and deserves the first place in this list.
Bull Shark 12.7 foot fish weighing more than 600 pounds - but with a difference. It thrives in fresh water, and can travel thousands of miles to the river and the lake, even far inland as Missouri, Illinois and Kentucky! Bull sharks has caused many deaths in a turbid medium freshwater notorious case is a New Jersey river attacks. Bull Sharks are the most aggressive shark species with high levels of testosterone of any animal. Bull Sharks also have a strong bite force of any living species of fish.
Source: Via

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